Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sticky Fingers

We went shopping over July 4th weekend to find Pink and Blue something red, white or blue to wear. Of course we stopped in Gap first. We were side tracked and started looking at hats for our upcoming Beach vacation. Leo found the cutest khaki bucket hat for Blue. He was actually looking for one like it for himself. So, the second Pink sees Blue trying on hats, she has to have one.

We go through just about every bucket hat they sell for toddler girls. She finally finds one she likes and we are on our way. I found a large, flimsy straw hat and was happy. Leo was not able to find what he was looking for so we decided to walk in to Old Navy.

Leo walks towards the men's section and I stroll the kids in to the women's. We are stopped in front of all the women's long, cotton dresses and shoes. We are there for about 2-3 minutes before Leo comes and finds us. He had no luck in finding a bucket hat so we went on our way.

We are out of the store and about to walk to the car. I look down and ask, "Where is Pink's hat?" Leo says, "I don't know." We then look on her lap and she is definitely holding a pair of shoes she must have picked up while we were standing in front of the dresses. Our 2-year old has just stolen a pair of shoes from Old Navy. Not only did she steal a pair of shoes, she also left her brand new hat behind. We had to go back!!!!

We decided to walk back in the store, put the shoes back, pick up the hat and be on our way. Praise the good Lord that knew, she knew no better. We made it out fine and told her repeatedly what she did was wrong. I could have died!

Needless to say, we will always make sure those sticky fingers are out of reach of material objects while she is shopping with Mom and Dad or anyone else for that matter.



I know I have been MIA for a while now. We have had camera issues since Pink decided to destroy our trusty Sony camera. We went and bought a new Canon, it was a lemon. We went back to Best Buy this weekend and did a lot more research. We decided to go all out! We bought a Sony SLR Digital Camera. The thing takes 3 pictures in 1 second when the flash is not on. 3 pictures in one second!!! A little much? Maybe, but we LOVE it.

So, the reason I have not been posting is because I have so many cute stories and have pictures to post with them. I know you all think stories are more fun with coinciding pictures, right?

I took the memory card from the lemon camera to Walgreen's today. They are putting them on a CD for me. I will have them home tomorrow and hopefully the stories will come pouring out. I can start with one that I do not have pictures for, Thank God!

See you in a sec, Toodles!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


My great friend, Charlotte, gave birth to Case Brenton and Carter Joseph on June 14th. Mommy and both boys are home and doing wonderfully. I am going to visit this Sunday and can't wait to get my hands on those little cowboys.

Charlotte made it to 35 weeks and 3 days. Everyone is so proud of her for all of the efforts she made to keep those babies safe and inside her tummy as long as possible. If she will allow it, I will post some pictures from my upcoming visit.


Night Terrors

I think it is just about safe to say Pink is experiencing night terrors. Every night she gets in bed, like normal, watches a little bit of her chosen movie and falls asleep. Any where between 11:00pm and 1:30am she wakes up crying/screaming hysterically. We are definitely not and never have been co-sleepers but on Tuesday night we had no other option. There was no getting her to calm down.

We are on to trying different methods. Last night we tried her new night light. We thought that maybe if she woke up from a bad dream and could see, she would not cry. Nope, didn't work! We have taken the child lock off of her door so she can come in and out at her own will. This was something new and very entertaining for her the first 30 minutes then she was over it and got in bed for good. It was nice that she came out of her room on her own in the morning and made her way in to the potty. My little, needy baby girl no longer exists...until she gets hurt :(

Tonight I put her down, put on her movie and she has not made a peep yet. I am praying with everything I have that these nightmares stop. I wonder what she has nightmares about. I mean, how horrible could the thoughts of a 2 year old really be? Is Elmo beating up Strawberry Shortcake and taking all of Pink's hot dogs with him?

Wish us luck, and any advice is definitely welcome!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Little Surprise

Well, I am here to announce what a reject I am. I did not get up this morning and run. The alarm went off at 5:45 and I did not even hit snooze, I turned the darn thing off. But here's the kicker, I have a backpack packed to go running at lunch....hahahaha. Stay Tuned!

Yesterday I got to work and I had a nice surprise on my chair. It was a pink envelope with my name on the front. I opened the envelope and much to my surprise there were 3 gift certificates inside a very sweet card from my boss. She wrote on the card how much she appreciated me and how she had no idea what she ever did without me. She got me 2 gift certificates to The Gap and one gift certificate to Starbucks. Man, does she know me, or what?

It is so nice to be so appreciated! I have been in the work force for over 6 years now (post-college) and I am finally being appreciated. I feel for those that have been at a job for years and are still not appreciated. The good news is, it is not too late.

They have gone above and beyond in many ways to show me just how much I mean to them and their family. Granted, these are pretty much life-long friends of mine, but still, they saw/see something in me that no one else ever has, professionally. I look forward to getting up and going to work in the morning and I love being there. How many people can say that? Not many that I know of.

This is something that I have prayed LONG and HARD for over the years. It is so great to know that God never stopped listening to the broken record I kept playing for him. D and L are not religious people at all but since I have started working there she has asked me so many questions, reminisced about how much fun she had attending church camp with friends as a child and (the best of all) they took their oldest son out of Montessori school and put him in a Church camp for the summer until he attends full-time in the Fall with his younger brother. This is the school that we are very hopeful that Pink gets in as well.

It is amazing how we fall in and out of people lives on a daily basis. I know the reason I have fallen back in to their lives and I am so thankful that they are so receptive of me and my beliefs. I am very respectful towards them and their beliefs and it seems that I always come out on top. I give all of the thanks and glory to God.

I hope everyone has a great day.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Back to the Basics

How is it that I can't find time to come home and go for my runs, but I definitely find time for my trash t.v. ? All day long I think, "I will go home, change clothes and hit the pavement." When I get home, get the kids unloaded, that is the last thing that happens. I go straight from Mom to employee and employee to Mom in about a ten minute span, to and from work. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely would not change either of these things for anything, but sometimes I choose the trash t.v. instead of running.

A couple weeks back I was getting up in the morning, religiously, to run. The weather was absolutely perfect at 6:00 am in Silver Ranch. There is no way on God's green earth that I could run when I get home in the 99 degree weather, right?!?! Someone throw me a bone! Or, should I suck it up and "take the heat?" Oh, the decisions I am faced with. Wait, there is another option, back to the morning runs. That's it!

So, let's say three mornings a week I will get up 40 minutes early, run, cool down, drink a whole lot of water and THEN get my day started. I think it sounds like a good plan but I will also remember the fact that I LOVE my sleep too. I reserve the right to call in tired from time to time when the running alarm goes off. Hopefully I will just get in such a great rhythm this won't be an issue.

OK, I'm giving it a shot starting tomorrow morning.

Runners, take your mark (or is it marks?).....


Sunday, June 21, 2009

6-Months and Going Strong!

We took Monkey (Blue) to his 6-month visit with Dr. W. He has gotten so big right before our eyes and arms. Carrying him around in the infant carrier now is torture. It is like carrying around a 20-gallon jug of milk on your elbow like a hang bag. I usually take the kids by myself but this time Leo wanted to come along (super surprising since it was his Birthday). Don't tell him, but I am pretty sure the screams after their shots melts his heart WAY too much. Can't say I blame him one bit!!!

We left the house and brought Pink to VaVa's. She went in and we told her we would bring Blue back when he was done with the doctor. She definitely had a little more pep in her step toward VaVa when she heard the word, doctor. Poor pink has been terrified of the doc since I can remember.

We were a little early so Leo ran in to the nearest Starbucks and got us a much needed cup of coffee. We walked in to the doctor's office and I checked Blue in. It never fails, when checking in the lady behind the counter says, "You have a balance of $XXX, would you like to go ahead and take care of that now?" Ugh, such a pain! "Yeah, sure, why not? Wait, what am I even paying for?" Who cares what I'm paying for, I am sure they have come up with some crazy charge for the way I closed the door last time we left the building.

The nurse called Monkey back almost immediately. We walked back and I start to get the knot in my stomach. I almost get more anxious and nervous before my kids see the doctor than I do. We kind of had a little bet going with how much he was going to weigh without actually saying so. I thought for sure he would be at least 20 lbs.

The nurse walks in and says to take off his clothes. She lays him down on the table and makes the little pen marks above his head and beneath his feet. He is 28 inches tall (97th percentile...he got something from his mama :)), and 16 lbs and 12 ounces, WHAT!?!?!, there is no way! Yep, 16 lbs, 12 oz (25th percentile...definitely didn't get that from his mama, haha). We were so far off it was almost comical. Doctor W said he looked perfectly healthy and to continue doing what we're doing.

Monkey has gained 10 lbs, 2 oz and has grown 9.75 inches since birth. We have started solids and he is loving them all, except peas and meats (as you all saw in a recent post). Blue is growing up so fast. He is smiling, laughing, talking and cooing every second he is awake. He is getting better and better at sitting on his own. Any day now we won't have to stand or sit behind him to prevent any major fights between his head and the hard wood floors.
